Cyclonic Circulation Aids Southwest Monsoon To March Ahead

Current Weather Conditions on 2nd June 2011 @ 4.00 pm.

From IMD Bulletin of 2nd June Mid-day:

"Southwest monsoon has further advanced over remaining parts of south Arabian Sea, Kerala,Tamilnadu, south Bay of Bengal and some parts of central Arabian Sea, south Karnataka,Rayalaseema and some parts of central Bay of Bengal.
The northern limit of monsoon (N.L.M.) passes through 14.0° N / 60.0° E, 14.0° N / 70.0°E, Udipi, Chitradurga, Arogyavaram, Chennai, 14.0° N / 85.0°E, 16.0° N / 90.0°E and 19.0°N/94.0°E.

Conditions are favourable for further advance of southwest monsoon over some more parts of Arabian Sea, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, south Maharashtra, northeastern states and remaining parts of central Bay of Bengal and some parts of north Bay of Bengal during next 2-3 days."

Advance of Southwest Monsoon 2011

This morning NRL has put up 98A.INVEST at 13.0N & 69.6E. in the Arabian Sea about 500 Kms. West of Karnataka and Goa Coast. This INVEST needs to be watched for further developments. Various forecast models have differing views on track as well as intensity of developing Low Pressure/Depression/Cyclone.


Scattered showers possible for Saurashtra today/tomorrow.
Its a wait and watch for the System to develop. Saurashtra can expect a "Close Encounter" with the System around 7th to 10th June. Dates will vary depending upon the various dynamics at play.

Forecast in Akila Daily Dated 2nd June 2011 @ 2.00 pm.