More Sunshine For Saurashtra

Current Weather Conditions on 20th September 2011 @ 10.30 am.

There has not been any meaningful rainfall over Saurashtra. Yesterday there was a passing shower in parts of Rajkot. RingRoad weather Station had measured 2.6 mm. rain in evening @ 7.00 pm. The weather over Saurashtra has been partly cloudy with more periods of Sunshine. There is an Upper Air Cyclonic Circulation over Northwest Bay of Bengal and adjoining Gangetic West Bengal.

Normal date for withdrawal of Southwest Monsoon is 1st September over Northwest Rajasthan and 1th September over Saurashtra. This year the Monsoon has not yet withdrawn from Northwest Rajsthan. Some of the conditions of withdrawal of Monsoon over Northwest Rajasthan are in place. The 850 Mb. humidity has decreased. The OLR over this region has increased substantially. 200 Mb. winds are Westerly.

Rainfall map of Saurashtra, Kutch & Gujarat till 20th September 2011 morning.

Forecast: 20th to 25th September

A fresh Low Pressure is expected to form over Northwest Bay of Bengal in a day or so. West Bengal, Jharkhand, Bihar, Orissa, Chhatishgarh will get Medium to Heavy rainfall during the forecast period.

Southwest Monsoon is expected to withdraw initially from Northwest Rajasthan by 22nd. September.


No meaningful rainfall expected during the forecast period. Only isloated scattered showers expected. There will be partly cloudy sky with more periods on Sunshine. The Maximum Temperatures are expected to rise.

Weather Forecast in Akila Daily Dated 20th September 2011 @ 10.30 am.