Upper Air Cyclonic Ciculation Over Saurashtra & Gujarat

Current Weather Conditions on 13th November 2009 @ 12.00 pm.

There is an Upper Air Cyclonic Circulation over Saurashtra, Gujarat and nearby Arabian Sea as well as Rajasthan. The sky is partly cloudy and Temperatures are below normal.

Forecast: There is a chance of scattered showers/ rain over Saurashtra, Gujarat And Rajasthan due to this unsettled weather conditions for 3th and 14th November. The Daytime Temperatures are expected to be about 4 to 6 Degrees below normal and night time Temperatures will be near normal. The weather is expected to clear out by 15th November and the Daytime Temperature is expected to increase by about 3 to 4 Degrees.

Snow and Rain is forecast for Jammu & Kashmir for 13th and 14th November.

Forecast in Akila Daily Dated 13th November 2009 @ 10.30 am.