Saurashtra & Gujarat Received Monsoon Like Rain – Weather Now Clearing

Current Weather Conditions on 18th November 2010 @ 1.30 pm.

Scattered unseasonal rain over Saurashtra, Kutch & Gujarat continued till yesterday the 17th November. Yesterday there were instances of Hail storm too with ball size hail having been reported at many places. Rajkot received 37 mm of rain of which 32 mm. fell in 45 minutes. The clouds have now moved Northeastwards. The Minimum Temperatures are 4 to 6 Degrees above normal over Gujarat for the last few days. Rajkot was 20 Degrees C. being 4 Degrees above the normal of 16 Degrees C.

Rainfall over Saurashtra & Gujarat from 16th to 17th November 2010

Tamilnadu Andhra Pradesh, Kerala and parts of Karnataka have received rainfall from Cyclone "JAL"and a Well MAkred Low Pressure apart from the regular North East Monsoon.

Rainfall over South India from 6th to 9th November 2010 (Due to JAL)

Rainfall over South India from 6th to 17th November 2010 (Due to JAL & Well Marked Low Pressure)


Weather over Saurashtra, Kutch & Gujarat is expected to clear out from today till 21st November. The Minimum Temerature over all these region is expected to be above normal for all these days, though there will be a drop in Minimum Temperature by 1 to 2 Degrees.

Note: The clear weather over Saurashtra, Kutch & Gujarat will last only till Sunday.

Maharashtra & adjoining border area of Madhya Pradesh will receive unseasonal rain around 19th to 22nd November.

Forecast in Akila Daily Dated 18th November 2010 @ 11.00 am

The wordings in Daily should be read as: Weather over North India is not cold so in spite of North east winds, the Minimum Temperatures will remain above normal.