Possibility Of Scattered Light Rain/Showers Over Saurashtra

Current Weather Conditions on 9th October 2010 @ 4.30 pm.

The withdrawal of Southwest Monsoon has been at a stand still from 1st October 2010 as can be seen from the map from IMD.

Monsoon withdrawal is passing from Saurashtra & Gujarat. There has been heat wave like conditions over Saurashtra, Kutch, Gujarat & Rajasthan. The Western end of Axis of Monsoon had more or less vanished from Rajasthan. The barometric pressure over Rajasthan had shot upto 1008 Mb. However, the barometric pressure has dropped to 1000- 1002 Mb. as of today in Rajasthan and 1002-1004 Mb. at Rajkot.
This is shown in IMD chart below:

Due to North East winds for a few days, the moisture level had also decreased over Saurashtra. However, due to Western winds, the moisture level has increased some what mainly at night and early morning. Humidity at 850Mb. and 700 Mb. over Saurashtra also shows increase compared to last week.

Due to the above reasons, there is a possibility of light scattered rainfall or may be scattered showers over Saurashtra till Wednesday the 13th October. There is no major Weather System near Saurashtra so rain should be light.

The Depression from the Bay of Bengal had tracked along the East Indian Coast and crossed Bangla Desh and weakend over North Eastern States.

New Low Pressure System is expected to form in the Bay of Bengal by Tuesday the 12th October.

Forecast in Akila Daily dated 9th october 2010 @ 2.00 pm.