Monsoon Active Over Saurashtra & Gujarat Again

Current Weather Conditions on 8th September 2010 @ 4.00 pm.

Yesterday's lingering Low Pressure area over Orissa has tracked West Northwestwards and is currently located over Vidarbha and adjoining Maharashtra Madhya Pradesh border area with associated Cyclonic Circulation extending upto Midtropospheric level.

There is an Off-shore trough from Saurashtra as well as South Gujarat coast to Konkan & Karnataka coast.

Map from Thai Met Dept.

The axis of monsoon trough at mean sea level passes through Bikaner, Kota, Bhopal, Centre of Low pressure area, Gopalpur and thence Southeastwards to Eastcentral Bay of Bengal.

Weather over Saurashtra has been partly cloudy and partly with sunshine yesterday while today it is mostly cloudy.

Monsoon is very active over India as can be seen from the graph below:

The Low Pressure is expected to track Northwestwards and by 9th & 10th September it would be over Gujarat and vicinity with Upper Air Cyclonic Circulation upto 3 Kms. above ground.

Central Gujarat, South Gujarat, and adjoining North Gujarat and Saurashtra will get heavy rains from today till 11th September.

The background of all maps shown on this forecast does not depict Political boundary.

Forecast in Akila Daily dated 8th September 2010 @ 2.30 pm.