Saurashtra To Get Much Heavier Rainfall Than Forecast Yesterday

Current Weather Conditions on 1st August 2010 @ 6.30 pm.

Many parts of Saurashtra has already received rainfall yesterday as well as today. Currently dense clouds are present over whole of Gujarat including Saurashtra & Kutch. Yesterday's Low Pressure over Central Madhya Prasdesh and adjoining areas has tracked West Northwestwards and is currently over South and East Rajasthan West Madhya Pradesh vicinity. There is a Cyclonic Circulation at Mid-Upper level over Gujarat and South Rajasthan. The axis of monsoon trough at mean sea level passes through Bikaner, Jaipur, Center of Low Pressure area, Jabalpur, Gopalpur and thence Southeastwards to Eastcentral Bay of Bengal. The off shore trough runs from south Gujarat coast to Konkan coast.

Updated Forecast: 31st July to 3rd August 2010
See NCEP/GFS Forecasts Map

50 % of Saurashtra will get 5 Cms. to 10 Cms. of Rain during the forecast period.
50 % of Saurashtra will get 10 Cms. to 15 Cms. of Rain during the forecast period.

North Gujarat will get 8 Cms. to 15 Cms. of Rain during the forecast period.

South Gujarat will get 8 Cms. to 15 Cms. of Rain during the forecast period.

Central Gujarat will get 5 Cms. to 12 Cms. of Rain during the forecast period.

Note: Heavy to very heavy rainfall exceeding 25 Cms. can occur at a few Isolated places of the above regions.

NCEP/GFS Bias-Corrected Forecasts

Cloud Top Temperature -40C Satellite Image from IMD