Low Pressure Develops Over Northwest Bay of Bengal

Current Weather Conditions on 4th August 2012 @ 12.00 pm.

There has been mostly cloudy weather for last one week over most parts of Saurashtra. Last three days has been very windy with average wind speed reaching 30 Kms. per hour with gusts of up to 55 Kms. per hour. There has been only Isolated showers in some places. In short no meaningful rain has occurred over Saurashtra during the last one week.

The Upper Air Cyclonic Circulation over Northwest Bay of Bengal and adjoining Coastal areas of West Bengal and North Orissa which persisted from 2nd August has descended to Sea Level forming a Low Pressure area over the same region.

The Axis of Monsoon trough has shifted southwards some what and passes through Ferozepur, Bhiwani, Agra, Allahabad, Daltonganj, Jamshedpur, Centre of the Low pressure area and thence Southeastwards to East Central Bay of Bengal.

Forecast: 4th to 7th August for Saurashtra

Cloudy conditions will prevail during the forecast period. Winds are expected to decrease from tomorrow. Only Isolated scattered showers possible for Saurashtra during the forecast period.

The Low Pressure will travel Northwestwards and is expected to reach East M.P. North Chhatishgarh, East U.P. Jharkhand vicinity within two days. The Upper Air Cyclonic Circulation associated with this System will travel more Westwardly direction over M.P. and vicinity. The Convective clouds associated with this System will remain West and South West of the System.

Whether this System will benefit Saurashtra will be clear by 6th August.

Weather Forecast In Akila Daily Dated 4th August 2012 @ 11.30 am.