Monsoon Winds Gets Organized Over South Bay Of Bengal

Current Weather Conditions on 21st May 2012 @ 11.00 am.

The Maximum Temperatures in Saurashtra have been near normal. Rajkot has been at about 40 to 41 C. for the last few days. The normal Max. and Min. for Rajkot at this time of the year is 41 C. and 26 respectively. The Monsoon winds have not yet organized over the Arabian Sea, however, the South Bay of Bengal seems to have the Monsoon winds organized some what better. The Monsoon seems to have begun over the South Andaman Islands and South Myanmar.

Forecast: 21st to 26th May 2012 for Saurashtra, Kutch & Gujarat

The Maximum Temperature is expected to be between 39 to 41 C. with Maximum on higher side during 22nd and 23rd. The winds are expected to be mainly from the west with winds from Southwest sometimes during the forecast period. High winds are expected over Saurashtra, Kutch & North Gujarat during 23rd to 25th May. During this period the high winds will also be experienced in Rajasthan, Delhi, M.P. Chhatishgarh and the Bay of Bengal. Light clouding is expected on a few days over Saurashtra. The morning Humidity is expected to be above 80 % while the afternoon Humidity at 35%. However, the evening and late night Humidity is expected to be on higher side of 60 % during the forecast period.

Weather Forecast In Akila Daily dated 21st May 2012 @ 11.00 am.