Windy Weather For Saurashtra, Kutch & North Gujarat

Current Weather Conditions on 28th May 2012 @ 11.00 am.

Last week the Maximum Temperature has been between 40 to 42 C. in Rajkot and most parts of interior Saurashtra. There has been exceptionally high winds during 23rd to 26th May with gusts at Rajkot having been recorded at 67 Kms./hour on 24th May. Last two days there was Maximum Temperature had come down due to hazy sky probably due to dust particles brought in by the high winds.

Monsoon has been active in the Bay of Bengal in the vicinity of Andaman & Nicobar Islands.

Forecast: 28th May to 2nd June 2012 Saurashtra, Kutch & Gujarat

The Maximum temperature in Saurashtra will be between 40 to 41 C. The winds will be medium for the first three days on 28th, 29th & 30th May and then on the high side for the latter three days of the forecast period on 31st May, 1st & 2nd June. High winds will also affect Coastal Pakistan during the same period.

The winds near Kerala coast are from the Northwest. The Monsoon normally sets in on 1st June in Kerala. However, there is a possibility of delay due to unfavorable wind alignment for Kerala. However, if Monsoon onset is officially declared for Kerala around 1st June, it would be weak onset.

Dense convective clouds are observed in the Southwest Arabian Sea and needs to be observed carefully for the next 24 to 48 hours.

Advance of Monsoon as per IMD:

The Northern Limit of Monsoon (NLM) continues to pass through Lat. 5.0°N/Long. 70.0°E, Lat. 5.0°N/Long. 75.0°E, Lat. 7.0°N/Long. 80.0°E (near Colombo), Lat. 10.0°N/Long. 86.0°E, Lat. 14.0°N/Long.
91.0°E and Lat. 16.0°N/Long. 96.0°E.

Conditions are favourable for further advance of southwest monsoon into some parts of southeast Arabian Sea and some more parts of Maldive and Comorin areas, south & central Bay of Bengal and remaining parts of north Andaman Sea during next 2-3 days.

Weather Forecast in Akila Daily Dated 28th May 2012