Western Disturbance Active Over North India

Current Weather Conditions on 2nd March 2011 @ 11.30 am.

There is Snowfall and rainfall occurring over Jammu & Kashmir, rainfall over North India.

The Maximum & Minimum Temperatures over Gujarat are above normal.

Snowfall to continue till Friday night over Jammu & Kashmir with rainfall over North India.

The Maximum Temperature at Rajkot for Wednesday & Thursday will be around 35 Degrees C. and about 32 to 33 Degrees C. on Friday & Saturday. The Minimum Temperature at Rajkot is expected to be about 15 to 16 Degrees C. The winds will blow on West from Thursday and Friday with increase in moisture over Saurashtra. There is possibility of Fog on Saturday morning.

Forecast In Akila Daily Dated 26th February 2011 @ 11.30 am.

Fog expected on Saturday and not Friday as mentioned in Akila.