Heat Wave Over Saurashtra Gujarat & Maharashtra – 14th To 17th March

Current Weather Conditions on 11th March 2011 @ 11.30 am.

The Maximum Temperature at Rajkot is normal at 34 Degrees C. and the Minimum Temperature at Rajkot this morning was 14 Degrees C which is about 2 Degrees below normal. Anantpur in Andhra Pradesh recorded Maximum of 40.2 Degrees C. yesterday which is the first centre in the country to cross 40 Degrees C. this year.

Forecast: Saurashtra, Gujarat & Maharashtra

The Maximum Temperatures over Saurashtra, Gujarat & Maharashtra will increase continuously till Thursday the 17th March. Heat Wave conditions are expected over most of these areas from Monday the 14th March till Thursday the 17th March. Some of the pockets of these areas could also experience Severe Heat Wave conditions during this period. The Maximum Temperature will cross 40 Degrees C. at many places.

Forecast in Akila Daily on 11th March @ 11.30 am