It’s Not Summer Yet – Temperature To Decrease 6 To 9 C Over Saurashtra, Kutch & Gujarat By 25th/26th February 2015

Current Weather Conditions on 23rd February 2015


There has not been morning Fog over Saurashtra & Kutch from 21st February.
The Maximum Temperature as well as Minimum Temperature has gone up further and are now 6 to 8 C above normal over most parts of Saurashtra, Kutch & Gujarat. The Maximum Temperature yesterday and the Minimum Temperature this morning at various locations were as follows (figures in the bracket is departure from normal):


Ahmedabad Maximum 37.1 C (+6) & Minimum 17.9 (+3) C
Rajkot Maximum 38.5 C (+8) & Minimum 21.7 C (+7)
Amreli Maximum 38.0 C (+6) & Minimum 18.6 C (+5)
Bhuj Maximum 38.3 C (+7) & Minimum 21.0 C (+8)
Deesa Maximum 38.2 C (+8) & Minimum 18.3 C (+5)


Weekly Temperature Variations For Rajkot Ending 23rd February 2015


Weather Forecast In Akila Daily Dated 23rd February 2015




Forecast: 23rd to 27th February 2015


Saurashtra, Kutch & Gujarat:


The Maximum as well as the Minimum Temperature is expected to decline from tomorrow and by 25th/26th February the Temperature is expected to decline by 7 to 9 C over Saurashtra, Gujarat & Kutch. The Maximum as well as the Minimum Temeprature is expetced to become near normal and at some places even below normal for this time of the year.

North India: 23rd to 26th February 2015


Western Disturbance will approach North India by tonight and will be active for two days and then move Eastwards.