Temperature To Decline During Forecast Period

Current Weather Conditions on 7th December 2012 @ 8.00 am.

The Temperature over most parts of Saurashtra is currently above normal for this time of the year. The winds are from the North and Northeast. The morning humidity and humidity round the clock is low.

Forecast: Saurashtra 7th to 13th December

7th to 9th December: The winds will blow from the North and Northeast. The Humidity is expected to remain low. The Temperature is expected to be above normal.

10th-11th December: The winds will blow from the westerly direction and the morning humidity is expected to increase above 85 to 90 %. Morning Fog is expected over some parts of Saurashtra on one or both these days. The Maximum Temperature is expected to decrease by around 3 C.

12th-13th December: The winds will again change direction and will blow mainly from North & Northeast. Humidity will again decrease. Minimum Temperature will decrease to by 3 Degrees C. and the Maximum Temperature is expect to decrease further by a 1 or 2 Degrees.