Heat Wave Persists Over Parts Of Saurashtra, Kutch & North Gujarat

Current Weather Conditions on 5th April 2012 @ 11.00 am.

Heat wave conditions prevailed over parts over Saurashtra, Kutch, North Gujarat and Rajasthan. The Maximum Temperatures have been above normal for the last five days over most parts of these areas by 2 to 5 C. The Maximum at Rajkot yesterday was 42.2 C. Normal for Rajkot is Max. 37 C.and Min. 20 C. for this time of the year.

Forecast: 5th to 10th April

For 5th, 6th & 7th the Maximum Temperature is expected to remain between 40 C. to 42 C. in Kutch, Saurashtra & Gujarat. The Maximum Temperatures will be a little lower between 39 to 41 C during the next three days being 8th, 9th & 10 April. The winds are expected to be mainly from West and will be high in the afternoon/evening time. Scattered clouds are expected on latter half of the forecast period.

Light to medium Rain is forecast for Northeast India on most of the days till 10th April. Scattered showers for West Bengal, Orissa, and neighboring States and also Kerala during the forecast period.

Weather Forecast in Akila Daily Dated 5th April 2012