Kite Flying Weather Expected For Saurashtra

Current Weather Conditions on 12th January 2013 @ 10.30 am.

The Temperature over Saurashtra, Gujarat and Kutch are above normal from last two three days. Yesterday’s Maximum and this morning Minimum Temperature over Rajkot, Ahmedabad,,Surat.& Bhuj are given along with normal Temperature for respective Cities.

Yesterday’s Maximum for Rajkot Max. 31.8 C & Morning Min. 14.7 C.
Normal for Rajkot is Max. 28 C & Min. 12 C.

Yesterday’s Maximum for Ahmedabad Max. 29.5 C & Morning Min. 11.1 C.
Normal for Ahmedabad is Max. 29 C & Min. 12 C.

Yesterday’s Maximum for Surat Max. ૩૩.8 C & Morning Min. 14.7 C.
Normal for Surat Max. 30 C & Min. is 15 C.

Yesterday’s Maximum for Bhuj Max. 32.8 C & Morning Min. 15.7 C.
Normal for Bhuj Max. 27 C & Min. is 12 C. (IMD Ahmedabad says normal Min. is 8 C)

Forecast: Saurashtra, Gujarat & Kutch 12th to 18th January 2013

The Maximum Temperature as well as Minimum Temperature will remain above normal till 14th January. Temperature will start to decline from 15th and by 17th/18th the Maximum Temperature will decrease by 3 to 4 Degrees C thereby the Maximum Temperature will be near normal or slightly below normal. Similarly the Minimum Temperature is also expected to decline by about 2 to 3 Degrees C. thereby becoming near normal or slightly below normal. The winds will change from tomorrow and will blow from West or Northwest direction and humidity is expected to increase over some parts of Saurashtra to above 80 % with a possibility of fog in morning in those parts of Saurashtra.

On Makarshankranti day the 14th January the winds over Rajkot is expected to blow from West Northwest direction with average wind speed of 10 Kms. per hour in the morning. The winds are expected to increase during the day to 20 Kms. per hour and by evening again the winds will  be little lower at 15 kms. per hour. All wind speeds are average for that time period and gusts will be 5 to 10 kms. per hour extra. The weather is expected to be ideal for Kite Flying.

The winds will again change direction to mainly from North by 17th/18th January.

Snowfall is expected over Jammu & Kashmir today as well as around 17th January.

Weather Forecast in Akila Daily Dated 12th January 2013
