Windy Weather To Continue Over Saurashtra, Kutch & Gujarat

Current weather Conditions on 30th May 2012 @ 11.00 am.

The Maximum Temperature has been between 40 to 42 C. in Rajkot and most parts of interior Saurashtra. High winds have been prevailing over most parts of Saurashtra, Kutch and North Gujarat.

Kerala Monsoon:

The Southwest Monsoon has not progressed from 26th May 2012. The Northern Limit of Southwest Monsoon on the Eastern side is Colombo.
The winds near Kerala Coast are not favourably aligned and also the wind speed is not conducive for advance of Southwest Monsoon over Kerala.

Bay of Bengal:

There is a Cyclonic Circulation over the Bay of Bengal at 16.3N and 90.1E. The convective clouds associated with this Circulation are spread around the Circulation Center. The system is expected to move Northeastwards. There will be medium to heavy rainfall on Andaman & Nicobar Islands during next 24 to 48 hours.

Arabian Sea:

There is a dense convective cloud mass at 10N between 55E to 60E. about 1700 Kms. west of Kerala Coast. There are strong winds in the vicinity of this cloud mass. It needs to be observed for any development of a Low Pressure System during the next two days.

Heat Wave:

Some parts of Pakistan has been experiencing Heat Wave conditions. Similarly many States of India Heat Wave conditions are prevailing. In Pakistan the Temperatures on 31st May could reach 49 C. in Lakana, Jacobabad, Sukkur & Sadiqabad or vicinity of these places.
Ganganagar of Rajasthan could also reach 48 to 49 C. on 31st May.
Some Districts of Chhatisgarh could experience Temperatures crossing 49 C. on 31st May and/or 1st June.


High winds will continue till at least 3rd June over Saurashtra, Kutch, North Gujarat and Coastal Pakistan. The Arabian Sea Convective clouds need to be watched for further development during the next two days.

Global Tropical Hazard Outlook for 30th May to 5th June & 6th June to 12th June 2012

This map from CPC indicates that there is a possibility of developement of Tropical Storm during the first forecast period. Also good Rainfall possibility over Souther Indian Peninsula during the second forecast period.

Weather Forecast In Akila Daily dated 30th May 2012 2 11.00 am.