Onset of Monsoon Over Kerala

Current Weather Conditions on 30th May 2011 @ 12.00 pm.

From IMD Bulletin Dated 29th May 2011:

Southwest monsoon has set in over Kerala today, the 29th May 2011, 3 days in advance to the normal onset on 1st June. Southwest Monsoon has also advanced into most parts of south Arabian Sea and some
parts of Tamil Nadu, south Bay of Bengal, south Andaman Sea.
The northern limit of monsoon passes through 11° N / 60° E, 11° N / 70°E, Aminidivi, Kozhikode, Kodaikanal, 8°N / 80°E, 8° N / 90°E , Nancowry and 9° N / 99° E.

Advance of Southwest Monsoon 2011


Kerala & South Coastal Karnataka:
Though the Southwest Monsoon has set in over Kerala, possibility of meaningful rainfall on 30th and 31st May is less. Heavy to very heavy rainfall is expected over Kerala and South Coastal Karnataka between 1st to 4th June.

Winds will be from West over Saurashtra and will blow from Southwest after two days. Scattered showers are expected over Saurashtra between 2nd to 4th June.

Forecast in Akila Daily dated 30th May 2011 @ 12.00 pm.