Rainfall Over Saurashtra To Exceed My Forecast Of 14th July

Current Weather Conditions on 18th July 2011 @ 11.00 am.

There has been widespread rainfall over Saurashtra during the last two days. Rajkot received 27.4 mm on 16th and 36.6 mm. rain on 17th July.
The Mid-Upper Air Cyclonic Circulation over Northeast Arabian Sea, Suarashtra and Gujarat and Western M.P. has been persisting from 14th till today. The Barometric Pressure over Saurashtra had gone down below 994 Mb. yesterday. Also the Western end of Axis of Monsoon had slipped Southwards towards Gujarat State yesterday, though today it has again moved Northwards.

Graph showing Weekly Barometric Pressure at RingRoad Weather Station, Rajkot till 18th July 2011


On 14th July I had forecast in Akila Daily that:

25 % of Saurashtra could get 5 Cms. to 8 Cms. of rainfall
50 % of Saurashtra could get 2.5 Cms. to 5 Cms. of rainfall
25 % of Saurashtra could get upto 2.5 Cms. rainfall

South Gujarat could get 10 Cms. to 15 Cms. of rainfall. Isolated places could get above 15 Cms. of rainfall.

Rain is expected to continue over Saurashtra and South Gujarat for two more days and the rainfall quantum is expected to be much higher than Forecast on 14th July.

Forecast in Akila Daily dated 18th July 2011 @ 11.00 am.