Heat Wave Over Saurashtra – Gujarat From Sunday 26th April

Current Weather Conditions on 24th April 2009 @ 12.00 pm.

For the last three four days there has been some relief from the Heat Wave Over Saurashtra & Gujarat. The Maximum Temperatures in Rajkot has been in the range of 40 to 41 degrees C. as had been predicted earlier. Today there was a spell of Fog in the morning because of Westerly winds and cooler morning Temperature.

Weather Forecast for Rajkot, Saurashtra & Gujarat:

The Temperatures are expected to rise by 1 to 3 Degrees from tomorrow 25th April and will further increase and be high from 26th April till 28th April. The Maximum Temperatures in Rajkot is expected be between 42 to 44 Degrees C. during 25th to 28th April. Overall Maximum Temprature forecast for Saurashtra & Gujarat is that the Maximum Temperature is expected be between 42 to 45 Degrees C. during 25th to 28th April.

Forecast in Akila Dated 23th April 2009