Cloudy Weather For Saurashtra With Higher Minimum Temperatures

Current Conditions on 19th January 2009 @ 12.00 pm.

Cloudy sky exists over Saurashtra.


The sky is expected to remain cloudy off and on from Monday to Saturday.

The Daytime Maximum Temperature in Rajkot should be 28 Degrees C. but has been one to two Degrees above normal. Maximum Temperature is expected to be about 29 to 31 degrees on most days Tuesday to Saturday except on a very densely cloudy day when the Maximum Temperature could be one to two Degrees lower.

The normal Minimum Temperature in Rajkot should be 11 Degrees C., however, it is expected that the Minimum Temerature from Tuesday to Saturday will be ranging from 13 to 16 Degrees or even higher. Chances of Foggy weather is minimum over Saurashtra.

Forecast in Akila Dated 19th January 2009