Light Rainfall Reported Over Some Parts Of Saurashtra

Current Weather Conditions on 6th August 2013 @ 5.00 pm.

Last Forecast till 8th August is for Scattered Showers over Saurashtra. However, there was report of light rainfall over some parts of Junagadh District and Jamnagar District in the morning. Subsequently, rainfall started over Rajkot just before 4.00 pm. with a  very high intensity. Rate of rainfall as measured by RingRoad Weather Station was at 117.6 mm/hour but for just one to two minutes.

The Low Pressure that developed over the Northwest Bay of Bengal has tracked over Odisha and merged with the Axis Monsoon Low. The Associated Upper Air Cyclonic Circulation is now over Chhatishgarh. This System will not affect Saurashtra.

However, there is an Upper Air Cyclonic Circulation over Northeast Arabian Sea West of Saurashtra & South of Sindh at only one level of 700 Mb. Limited moisture incursion could take place over some parts of Saurashtra for both the days. The winds at 700 Mb. level are not monsoon speed yet Humidity over Saurashtra is very high.

IMD Weather Chart of 700 Mb. Valid Up To 7th August 00 UTC


IMD Weather Chart of 700 Mb. Valid Up To 8th August 00 UTC


Forecast: 6th to 10th August

Periods of sunshine & cloudy conditions with scattered shower or light rain for Saurashtra during the forecast period.