Hot Weather For Saurashtra, Kutch & Gujarat On 23rd & 27th March 2014

Current Weather Conditions on 22nd March 2014

The Maximum & Minimum Temperature over most parts of Saurashtra, Gujarat & Kutch has been within the range of 1 to 3 C. from normal. The Maximum at Rajkot on 20th March was 37.7 C while it was 35.0 C. yesterday. Maximum Temperature at Bhuj was 36.5 C about 1 C above normal and at Ahmedabad it was 33.4 C about 3 C below normal. The Minimum at Rajkot was 19.7 C. which is about 1 C above normal while at Ahmedabad it was 19.8 C and in Bhuj it was 18.2 C both being normal. The Morning Humidity has increased considerably over most parts of Kutch & Western Saurashtra during the last few days. Rajkot has been having Humidity level of about 90 % in the morning.

All India Hot Spots in last few days have been from Andhra pradesh, Karnataka, Vidarbha, Tamilnadu, Vidarbha, Rajasthan & Gujarat. There has not been a Heat Wave condition in the past few days.

Forecast: 22nd to 27th March 2014

Saurashtra, Gujarat & Kutch:

Maximum as well as Minimum Temperature is expected to be within the range of 1 to 2 C from normal. The Maximum is expected to be higher than normal by 2 to 3 C. on 23rd & 27th March. North Gujarat & Eastern Saurashtra will be hotter than other areas of Gujarat. No Heat Wave condition is forecast. The winds will be mainly Westerly and at times from Northwest during the forecast period.

All India Hot Spots will be from Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Vidarbha, Tamilnadu, Vidarbha & Rajasthan during the forecast period.

As per IMD:

Criteria for Heat Wave:

Heat wave need not be considered till maximum temperature of a station reaches at least 40º C for Plains and at least 30º C for Hilly regions.

a) When normal maximum temperature of a station is less than or equal to 40º C
Heat Wave Departure from normal is 5º C to 6º C
Severe Heat Wave Departure from normal is 7º C or more

b) When normal maximum temperature of a station is more than 40º C Heat Wave Departure from normal is 4º C to 5º C
Severe Heat Wave Departure from normal is 6º C or more

c) When actual maximum temperature remains 45ºC or more irrespective of normal maximum temperature, heat wave should be declared.

Forecast For North India:

Due to Western Disturbance some Hilly regions of North India could receive snowfall/rainfall on 23rd & 24th March while rest of the areas would receive rainfall during the same period. Snowfall in some of the Hilly regions and rainfall possible over rest of the areas of Jammu & Kashmir on 27th March.

COLA/IGES Forecasts of Vertical Velocity or Precipitation
Valid 24th March 2014 @ 00 UTC


COLA/IGES Forecasts of Vertical Velocity or Precipitation
Valid 25th March 2014 @ 00 UTC


Weather Forecast In Akila Daily Dated 22nd March 2014



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12/06/2014 7:57 pm

આ વખતે ત્રીદીસ્નાલ ફોરકાસ્ટ Gujarat માટે ૨૦૧૪ ચોમાસા માટે અપ્યુ નથી ?