Temperature Expected To Increase By 6 To 10 Degree C Over Saurashtra, Gujarat & Kutch By 17th February 2017

Current Weather Conditions Dated 10th February 2017


The Cold weather round started from Monday the 6th February and continued till today. The Minimum Temperature at Rajkot was 10.6 C and it is 4 C below normal while it was 13.1 C at Ahmedabad and is 1 C below normal. The Minimum Temperature at Naliya was 6.4 C and is 6 C below normal.

Forecast: Saurashtra, Kutch & Gujarat 10th February to 17th February 2017


The Temperature is expected to start increasing from 11th & 12th February 2017 so as to move towards normal for this time of the year. Warmer weather expected from 13th February on wards when the Minimum as well as Maximum Temperatures will increase further reaching above normal levels for this time of the year. The Minimum Temperature will increase by 7 to 10 C and Maximum Temperature will increase by 6 to 8 C ( from that prevailing currently) during the Forecast period over most places of Saurashtra, Gujarat & Kutch.

Weather Forecast In Akila Daily Dated 10th February 2017





Weather Forecast In Sanj Samachar Daily Dated 10th February 2017

