Hot Weather To Start Over North India, U.P. & Then Spread East/South – Temperature Over Saurashtra, Kutch & Gujarat Expected To Be Above Normal Up To 15th May 2016

Current Weather Conditions on 9th May 2016

The Maximum Temperature has been near normal over most centers of Saurashtra, Gujarat & Kutch. The hot center Maximum Temperature were between 39 to 42.8 C during the last week. The morning humidity was high on most days of last week. There was unseasonal rain on two three days during the last week over some pockets of Saurashtra & Kutch.








Weekly Temperature Variation Graphs of various centers of Saurashtra, Gujarat & Kutch are available here Weekly Temperature Variations

Forecast: 9th May 2016 to 15th May 2016

The Hot Weather areas of India will start to increase from tomorrow over North India and hot weather areas will spread East & South till 14th May and decrease on 15th May. Large areas of Pakistan will experience hot weather till 15th May 2016.

Rain: Kerala & Coastal Karnataka will receive 5 Cms. to 8 Cms. rain during the forecast period. Maharashtra, Rest of Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh will receive showers to 2.5 Cms. of rain during the forecast period.

Saurashtra, Gujarat & Kutch:  9th May to 15th May 2016

Maximum Temperature will again increase from today and is expected to be above normal most of the days and near normal on a few days during the forecast period. Overall hot center maximum range will be 41 to 44 C on most days and 40 C to 43 C on some days. Few centers expected to exceed 44 C on some days.

Weather Forecast In Akila Daily Dated 9th May 2016




Weather Forecast In Sanj Samachar Daily Dated 9th May 2016


