Hot Weather To Abate Over Saurashtra, Kutch & Gujarat From 4th May 2016 – Whole India Hot Weather Area & Heat To Decrease From Tomorrow

Current Weather Conditions on 2nd May 2016

The Maximum Temperature has been above normal over most centers of Saurashtra, Gujarat & Kutch. The hot center Maximum Temperature had reached between 42 to 44 C during the last week. The morning humidity was high on most days of last week.
A Western Disturbance is over Pakistan. The winds are from the West and so there is moisture incursion from Arabian sea over Saurashtra, Gujarat & Kutch.





Hot Centers Of India on 2nd May 2016 Maximum temperature from 45 C to 47.2 C





Weekly Temperature Variation Graphs of various centers of Saurashtra, Gujarat & Kutch are available here Weekly Temperature Variations


The Hot Weather areas of India will start to decrease from tomorrow till the end of forecast period. Large areas of Pakistan will again experience hot weather on 7th & 8th May 2016.

Saurashtra, Gujarat & Kutch:  2nd May to 8th May 2016

Maximum Temperature will decline from 4th on wards till end of forecast period. The Temperature will decrease  and is expected to be near normal during 4th May to the rest of forecast period. There will be scattered clouding on few days and so the Maximum Temperature over various regions will be also depend upon clouding over those areas. The winds will be mainly from West during the forecast period and due to moisture incursion from Arabian Sea the humidity will remain high in the morning and late evening till end of forecast period. The upper air instability has increased and so due to the above cumulative effects, there is a possibility of thunder and showers on a few days of the forecast period from 2nd May to 8th May 2016 over few places of Saurashtra, Kutch & Gujarat.

Weather Forecast In Akila Daily Dated 2nd May 2016




Weather Forecast In Sanj Samachar Daily Dated 2nd May 2016


