Upper Air Cyclonic Circulation Over M.P. U.P. & Adjoing East Rajasthan

Current Weather Conditions on 28th June 2011 @ 6.00 pm.

There is an Upper Air Cyclonic Circulation over broad area covering Madhya Pradesh U.P. border and adjoining East Rajasthan Border. Associated convective clouds are spread over West Madhya Pradesh, east Rajasthan and South U.P. Some clouding has crept over the Gujarat border with both West M.P. and South Rajasthan.

Saurashtra cloudy weather with increase in upper level Humidity. Very windy over Saurashtra with Rajkot recording gusts of more than 60 Kms./hour.

Forecast M.P., U.P., Rajasthan:

Heavy to very heavy rainfall is expected over West M.P., M.P.- U.P. border areas, West U.P., and East Rajasthan from today till 30th June. New Delhi is also expected to get good rain on 1st July.

Forecast for Gujarat:

The some convective clouds associated with the above Upper Air Cyclonic Circulation have crept over Gujarat border areas. If the System tracks some what Westwards, some rainfall could occur over Gujarat border areas till 30th June. Its a 50-50 % chance.

Forecast for Saurashtra:

No System is present so no meaningful rainfall is expected during 28th to 2nd July. Scattered showers to about 1 to 2 Cms. of cumulative rainfall could occur on various days during the forecast period. Widespread meaningful rainfall (required rainfall for sowing) chance is less during the forecast period.

Forecast in Akila Daily dated 28th June 2011 @ 11.00 am.

As per IMD ALL INDIA WEATHER BULLETIN (Mid-day) 28th June 2011

Monsoon Watch
The northern limit of monsoon (NLM) continues to pass through 22.0°N/60.0°E, Porbandar, Ahmedabad, Udaipur, Ajmer, Pilani and Ganganagar.
Condition are favourable for further advance of southwest monsoon over some more parts of Rajasthan and Gujarat during next 2-3

Advance of Monsoon Map from IMD: